Category: Tech

  • I’m Obnoxiously Positive about the Obnoxiously Positive Threads

    I’m Obnoxiously Positive about the Obnoxiously Positive Threads

    Facebook’s Twitter-killer is here, and it’s one big, algorithmic feed. Until trained, the algorithm will show you an inordinate amount brands, influencers, and low-effort question prompts from people with blue checks that you’ve never heard of. Even with a couple days of training, the drop-off in feed quality when it runs out of stuff from…

  • The Structural Stupidity of the Blue Check Transition

    The Structural Stupidity of the Blue Check Transition

    Pretend Elon Musk is the only human being in the world that is actually somehow politically and culturally neutral, and has successfully incorporated that neutrality into Twitter’s moderation. The current iteration of Twitter Blue would still be an incredibly stupid idea, made even moreso by the history and selling of the transition. Let’s pretend there…

  • The Boring Case for NFTs

    The Boring Case for NFTs

    I want NFTs1 to become a normal and boring thing. But right now, depending on who you ask, NFTs are either the future of media or a hellish scam. Most widely publicized NFT projects have been get-rich-quick schemes and corporate cash grabs, and that’s just the ones that weren’t actual fraud. But the core function…